At PFM Elite, we believe that making informed financial decisions is the cornerstone of a prosperous life. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to navigate your financial journey confidently.
Through our collaboration with best-in-class partner firms, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet your unique needs:
- Family Office Solutions
- Income Tax Reduction
- Wealth Management
- Retirement Planning
- Asset-Based Long-Term Care
- Estate Planning
Our commitment is to provide you with all the facts, enabling you to make smarter financial decisions and live your best life.
Investment advice is offered through Redwood Private Wealth, located at 3930 E. Ray Road, Suite 155, Phoenix, AZ 85004. For more information about Charles E. Nash and Redwood’s services, please visit the SEC’s Investment Adviser public website.
Our business hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can reach us at (615) 297-1660 or via email at
Senior Managing Director
PFM Elite
Direct: (615) 297-1660