Like anything in life having a solid plan in place is always a good start. This is also true for your retirement and planning for IRMAA. To have a good plan, you need to have a good guide.
IRMAA planning is where we come in.
At Macro Wealth Management we always start with a look at your retirement plan. We then stress test that plan to see if you are going to run the risk of hitting IRMAA and what that impact may be on your overall plan.
Stress Testing your retirement plan for IRMAA
Helping you diagnose the likelihood of hitting an IRMAA bracket due to your current retirement plan is what the stress test is all about. Once we have an idea of the probability of hitting IRMAA with your current plan, we can then work together and look at the possible solutions to help mitigate that risk,
Note, our IRMAA planning is only one piece of our overall process, however it is an important one.
Is This Really a Problem?
In 2003, 7 million people received IRMAA letters from the Social Security Administration stating that they will be impacted by IRMAA. Each year more and more people will be entering retirement and a large portion of these people will be receiving IRMAA letters.
Medicare and the Social Security Administration project 16 million people will be affected by Medicare IRMAA by 2032.
Talk with us to see if IRMAA is going to be an issue for you.
Senior Managing Director
PFM Elite
Direct: (615) 297-1660